Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Seperation of church and state, anyone?

Ok, I won't attack you, Edgar Jann Palomo. I am a Christian, I read the Bible (not as much as I should), and I must admit, I am a little "uncomfortable with the lifestyle choices of homosexuals and bisexuals." Now, with that said...I am also a very sympathetic individual and believe that love really is the answer to any question we could have...and it breaks my heart to think that for some, they could never get to experience real, romantic, lover & best friend all in one, LOVE. And I realize that looks completely different to everyone. We all have our own definitions of what love is, and I don't believe it's any of our business to judge another's opinion...

I had a good friend in high school, and one day we got on the topic of same sex marriage. She said that the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, therefore it should be illegal. I thought this was extremely closed-minded, especially with the "let he who is without sin throw the first stone," statement running through my head. She was having sex with her boyfriend at the time, which is adultery, premarital sex, ALSO A SIN! (These things called "sins" are guidelines God has given us to try and live a good life, and I have learned after years of doing what I wanted regardless of what God wanted me to do, they are there to protect us from harm, and to keep us safe and happy and healthy.) When it comes down to God's commandments, and His grace, the most important value of Christianity is forgiveness; that Jesus died for us because he knew we were going to continue to sin. But we should still TRY not to, even though it's hard, and for some this may mean ignoring their attractions to the same sex. When you said it's not a curable are right, but I kinda sorta do think it is a choice, and societal changes have led it to be a more widely accepted choice. In a way I think the government's argument of respecting and maintaining the sanctity of the insitution of marriage is, unfortunately, kinda sorta a joke. Hello, heterosexual divorce rates?

I definitely agree with you about not being able to "fathom why most opponents care as much as they do." Personally, I believe that marriage is one of God's greatest gifts to us, and that man and woman were created for eachother. But I am not the one to say that has to be true for everyone.

If the seperation of church and state is such a big deal to this country, I agree with you that this should be a human rights issue and not a religious one.

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